Also, what Paul wrote in Corinthians shows that the God of the Bible would not hold it against people if they innocently partook of customs that once had pagan religious significance, for that is comparable to innocently partaking of meat that was once part of an idolatrous ceremony.
The motives of the individual is key. And this is the point JWs are missing when they condemn others for innocently celebrating birthdays, Christmas, Mother's Day, etc. People engage in these activities innocently without any pagan religious devotions in mind - just like the christian who innocently partakes of meat that was once used in an idol sacrifice does not have any idol-sacrifice religious motives in mind.
The JWs are blind pharisees who worship, not the god that Paul preached about, but a petty god of stigma who stigmatizes innocent, modern-day customs engaged in innocently, due to some long past association with pagan religious rites. The JW god is not Paul's God. The JWs god is a god who will kill christians for innocently eating meat that was once part of the ceremony at a pagan temple. The JW god would require that the christians inquire to make sure that the meat was not used in idol sacrifce, while Paul's God doesn't require the christian to ask but to innocently partake in good conscience.